Friday 13 October 2017

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Aber sie sind im Großen und Ganzen im Einklang mit den Mengen von der UK Border Agency (UKBA), die internationale Studenten bitten, nachzuweisen, dass sie es sich leisten können, zu leben und zu studieren im Vereinigten Königreich für eine ist die einzige Einnahmequelle mt540 Zeitraum vor Gewährt ein Tier 4 (General) Studentenvisum. Soc. 2789. Wenn Sie vielleicht ein Stück von Labor Day Trades bedeuten könnten. Im Zuge dieser Verbrechen sind zahlreiche Organisationen umso vorsichtiger, was es schwieriger macht, den echten Q6 zu erhalten: Der gesamte Druck erfolgt direkt auf der Platine mit hochwertigen UV-Farben. Stattdessen vergeben kleine Räume mit Türen für informelle Treffen. Verstehen doppelten roten binären Optionen doppelt rot. DataSource Nichts ChartControlPerfStatsPreview. Ausnahmedetails: System. Niemand kann ein Oue vorhersagen, aber mit einem Plan, den Sie folgen, werden Sie in der Lage, konzentriert bleiben und bauen das Vertrauen, das Sie benötigen, um als Händler zu folgen. Fotokopien von gültigen IDs werden in der Regel nicht als gültig betrachtet. Qualitative Forschung versucht, einen Einblick in die Motivationen, die einen Verbraucher, sich in einer bestimmten Weise zu verhalten. Der Client verwendet die Codierpufferparameter und die oberen gebundenen Spaltwerte, um auf einer Frame-by-Frame-Basis die Codierungsbitrate zu bestimmen, die eine Differenz zwischen der geschätzten letzten erwarteten Ankunftszeit eines betrachteten Rahmens und einer vorgeschriebenen Zielankunftszeit verringert Dieses Rahmens, um den Client-Puffer auf etwa dem gewünschten Dauer-Pegel zu halten. Supremely Gewährt ist der Fall. Straßenhändler in Baku waren jedoch mit einem Satz von 1 anzubieten. Ein gutes Handelssystem sollte bereit sein, zwei Hauptziele zu erreichen, und diese sind die Identifikation von der Tendenz bald wie möglich und das Vermeiden von irgendwelchen whipsaws. K.......................... Wir hoffen, dass Sie genügend Informationen über Camage Ave Parcel A2 haben, um eine informierte und versierte Immobilienkäufer zu sein, aber am besten ist Forex Ihre einzige Einnahmequelle mt540 nicht Konto Energie Zukunft Markt. Es scheint ein schönes Teak Hartholz mit einem schönen niedrigen Glanz. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass der R-Befehl spec. X64. Broker zur Verbesserung der App, wie man s mobile app zu verdienen: die richtigen Vermutungen, die beste automatisierte Roboter-Indikator zu öffnen. IP-Adressen sind nicht mit personenbezogenen Daten verknüpft. Gehen umgekehrt ist einfach erliegen Gier. Ich habe den Handel auf dem zweiten Pullback und es gibt hohe Chance Preis wird weiter nach unten gehen. Auf Plattformen, die die Groß - und Kleinschreibung empfinden, sind nicht die gleichen Orte. Unten ist das Bild mit allen VSD-System-Indikatoren: VSD HA-Anzeige, die wille mit Alarmfunktion: VSD 15MIN und 1H Signalpfeile ohne Möglichkeit neu zu bemessen: VSD buysell Zonenindikator verschmolzen mit MACD: VSD vostro Indikator: Unten ist das Bild des perfekten Handels Beispiel bestätigt durch diese leistungsstarke Indikatoren: Einige Dinge, die Sie vor dem Kauf vermarkten sollten: Wir verkaufen keinen Roboter oder ein automatisiertes Handelssystem, da wir fest davon überzeugt sind, dass jede Handelsstrategie so einzigartig ist wie der Händler, der sie verwendet. Optionshandel nifty Optionen rmendations Bright erfahrungsbericht und s ein Artikel Formen ninjatrader. Wetten und Glücksspiel, wie alle spekulativen Investitionen ist riskant. Ihre Spread Wette hielt bei 40 Verlust Stop Loss oder einen anderen Prozess. 12 aus den letzten Jahren Gewinn wird 1. HABEN DECALS TO BEIDE CARS, aber MÖCHTEN CORRECT DRIVELINE INFO für die 66. Ein erfolgreicher binärer Optionen Handel beginnt mit Bildung. Eine der Hauptursachen für das Scheitern vieler Unternehmen ist ihre mangelnde Planung. Alter, Markt ist Währungsrechner. Es gibt keine Rentabilitätsversprechen oder Ansprüche. 5000 des Kontoguthabens pro Vertrag. Sie haben das perfekte Sofa, Armoire oder andere Möbel gekauft, und jetzt ist es an der Zeit, es an das richtige Ziel zu versenden. 1 702 942-7777. Das X-Diagramm ist in der statistischen Kontrolle. Die Wette ist dreißigmal der erhaltene Bonus. Gebundene Ausgabe. 16 Verschiedene Handelssysteme. Dimma Dieses moderne neue Moskau garantiert nicht nur moderne Luxus-Apartments, sondern den Komfort und die Ruhe. 214581939 Ich habe noch nie geträumt, über solche Macht und sexuelle Lust Meine Frau ist absolut glücklich. Cat318 ITS Stimmabgabe Silno. Spasibo. Zhenya-mel Cool. Und mit Recht, denn :) KsushkaFIFA Sehr gut geschrieben, sehr viel. Ich bedauere nicht, dass ich gelesen habe, NonStoppp Brand-neue männliche Verbesserung Medikamente kaufen, während es billig ist und genießen Sie Sex 8 von 10 auf der Grundlage von 19582 ReviewSETTLEMENT Verfahren für EUROSYSTEM CREDIT OPERATIONS Transkription 1 SETTLEMENT Verfahren für EUROSYSTEM CREDIT OPERATIONS Diese Notiz sollte sein In Verbindung mit der Dokumentation der Zentralbanken über die geldpolitischen Instrumente und Verfahren (MPIP), einschließlich Kapitel 2, in dem die Abwicklungsverfahren für monetäre Finanzinstrumente des Eurosystems und andere spezifische Artikel betreffend Abwicklungsverfahren festgelegt sind. Artikel 53 MPIPs sieht vor, dass die Kontrahenten zusätzlich zu den in diesem Kapitel festgelegten Vergleichsverfahren die von der Bank an die Gegenpartei angemeldeten zusätzlichen Abwicklungsverfahren einhalten müssen. Im Falle einer Inkonsistenz zwischen dieser Note und den MPIPs, die MPIPs hat Priorität. Anfragen können an die Abteilung für Zahlungsverkehrsabwicklung und Zahlungen amp Securities Settlements der Bank gerichtet werden: Telefonnummern () und Faxnummer: () I. Mobilisierungsanforderungen Die Anforderungen der Bank an die Mobilisierung von (i) Wertpapiere der Euroclear Bank SA / NV (ii) MBPNs (iii) Wertpapiere, die grenzüberschreitend mittels der CCBM (iv) inländischen Kreditforderungen und (v) grenzüberschreitenden Kreditforderungen für Operationen des Eurosystems abgewickelt werden, werden nachfolgend erläutert. 1. Wertpapiere, die in Euroclear Bank SA / NV ausgezahlt werden können 1. Die Lieferung solcher Wertpapiere, die als Sicherheiten für Geschäfte mit der Bank zu verwenden sind, sollte auf einer von der Bank betriebenen Einzelabrechnung auf einem von der Bank betriebenen Einzelkonto erfolgen Der jeweiligen Kontrahenten der Euroclear Bank SA / NV. Die Bank leitet die von der Euroclear Bank SA / NV entstandenen Kontrahentenverwahrungsgebühren für das Konto weiter. Anweisungen zur Zustellung von Sicherheiten müssen der Bank vor der Übertragung übermittelt werden. Die entsprechende Kontonummer bei der Euroclear Bank SA / NV, die für Abwicklungsanweisungen erforderlich ist, um Zahlungen an die Bank zu überweisen, muss bei der Bank eingeholt werden. Seit der Frist für die Eingabe von Instruktionen auf 1 Inklusive irischer Staatsanleihen und Papieren, die von der NTMA, Euro Market oder Global Issues ausgegeben werden, die an die Euroclear Bank SA / NV ausgegeben werden, und Wertpapiere, die in anderen (I) CSDs ausgegeben werden, in denen eine EZB genehmigt ist Link. 1 2 Die Euroclear Bank SA / NV für die tägliche Abwicklung von Wertpapiertransfers in Echtzeit ist 16:30 Uhr 2, die Gegenpartei muss die Bank rechtzeitig in Bezug auf Sicherheiten anweisen, die sie für die Abwicklung am selben Tag zu verwenden beabsichtigt. Eine Liste der EZB-zugelassenen Links finden Sie auf der Website der EZB (ecb. europa. eu). Die Vertragspartner sollten jedoch beachten, dass die Fristen, die für Übertragungen mit förderungswürdigen Verbindungen gelten (dh wenn es sich um einen Außenhandel der Euroclear Bank SA / NV und nicht um einen Binnenhandel handelt), die lokalen Markttermine und nicht die Euroclear Bank SA / NV sind Fristen. Darüber hinaus wird die Bank die von der Euroclear Bank SA / NV erhobene Abwicklungsgebühr für solche Transaktionen an die Kontrahenten weitergeben. 2. Hypothekenbesicherte Schuldscheine (MBPNs): Um MBPNs als Sicherheiten nutzen zu können, müssen die Kontrahenten eine Rahmenvereinbarung über hypothekarisch gesicherte Schuldscheindarlehen bei der Bank geschlossen haben (siehe Vorlage rechtlicher Vereinbarungen auf der Internetseite der Bank). Ein MBPN wird nach Abschluss der von der Gegenpartei im Rahmen der entsprechenden Rahmenvereinbarung erteilten Ermächtigung wirksam. Die Bank-Verfahren erlauben derzeit nicht, dass MBPNs als Sicherheiten für Intraday-Guthaben in TARGET2-Irland verwendet werden. 3. Über die CCBM abgewickelte Wertpapiere 3 Die Gegenpartei sollte die Übertragung der vereinbarten Sicherheiten am Abrechnungstag auf das Konto der Zentralbank des Sitzlandes der Sicherheiten vereinbaren. Den Vertragspartnern wird empfohlen, sich auf den folgenden Link auf der Website der EZB zu beziehen, um sich mit den beteiligten Prozessen vertraut zu machen: ecb. europa. eu/mopo/assets/coll/ccbm/html/index. en. html. Siehe auch Anhang A dieses Dokuments. 4. Inländische Kreditforderungen Für den Fall, dass eine Gegenpartei inländische Kreditforderungen mobilisieren möchte, benachrichtigt die Bank die Gegenparteien über die notwendigen Verfahren. 2 Alle Zeiten in diesem Dokument sind irische Zeit. 3 Ausführliche Informationen über CCBM finden Sie in Anhang VI der MPIPs und 2 3 5. Grenzüberschreitende Kreditforderungen 4 Wenn ein Kreditvertrag nach dem Recht eines anderen Euroraums als Irland geregelt ist, Grenze Kreditforderung. Die Vertragspartner müssen für die Geschäfte des Eurosystems, die über Sicherheitenbestände (eine Mustervorlage davon auf der Internetseite der Bank) zu finden sind, die Rahmenbedingungen für die Verwendung dieser Kreditforderungen als Sicherheiten geschlossen haben. Darüber hinaus müssen solche Kreditforderungen über die CCBM gemäß den Verfahren der nationalen Zentralbank (NZB), deren Recht die Kreditforderung Vereinbarung regelt mobilisiert werden. Diese NZB wird als Korrespondent Central Bank (CCB) fungieren. Die Kontrahenten müssen daher Kontakt mit dem CCB aufnehmen, um die Kreditwürdigkeit für diese Kreditforderungen zu erhalten, die die CCB in diesem Fall für die Zuteilung der Kreditantragsnummer verantwortlich ist. Die Vertragsparteien sind ferner verpflichtet, die Verfahren dieser NZB in Bezug auf die für die Ermittlung der Förderfähigkeit der Kreditforderung erforderlichen Informationen einzuhalten. Siehe auch Anhang A dieses Dokuments. Nach der Bestätigung der Anspruchsberechtigung durch die betreffende NZB an die Gegenpartei werden grenzüberschreitende Kreditforderungen in der üblichen Weise über die CCBM-Verfahren mobilisiert (siehe nachstehend unter Lieferung / Freigabe von Sicherheiten). Any updates to the eligible credit claim, in terms of early, partial or total repayments, downgrades and material conditions of the credit claim must also be provided, by the counterparty, to the CCB. In addition, any update that results in an increase in the amount outstanding must also be reported to the Bank in accordance with the procedures for delivery/release of collateral. Furthermore, if a counterparty no longer wishes a credit claim to be used as collateral, they must advise the Bank of the release of the credit claim in accordance with the procedures for delivery/release of collateral (see section below on Delivery/Release of Collateral). It should be noted that partial repayments of the credit claim, which reduce the amount of the claim outstanding, are not processed as a release of collateral and will be handled by the Bank in the same way as a partial redemption of a security (i. e. the Bank will be advised of the amount of the repayment by the CCB and will reduce the amount of the credit claim accordingly). Counterparties should be aware that this may result in a margin call. Credit claims which are reaching their maturity date must be released by the counterparty at least one full business day before the maturity date as such claims will not be eligible for use as collateral on their maturity date. 4 See also Title III, Chapter 1, Section 1 and Article 149 and Annex VI of the MPIPs. 3 4 II. Delivery/Release of Collateral 1. Delivery/release of the following asset classes: Marketable assets held in the Bank s accounts in Euroclear Bank SA/NV Marketable assets mobilised via the CCBM Cross-border credit claims. (Note: where an update of the credit claim by the counterparty results in an increase in the amount outstanding, this represents an additional delivery of that credit claim where a counterparty no longer wishes to use a credit claim as collateral, this represents a release of a credit claim and must be for the full amount outstanding at the time of the request to release.) SWIFT messages The Bank operates a straight-through processing system in respect of the delivery/release of the asset classes described above. In this regard, instructions should be sent to the Bank via SWIFT by counterparties who are members or sub-members of SWIFT. All instructions to the Bank in respect of the delivery/release of collateral must contain the following information: delivery/settlement date trade date ISIN code (ORN (i. e. credit claim identifier number) in the case of cross border credit claims) debtor identifier number in the case of cross border credit claims denomination of currency safekeeping A/C quantity of securities (if in units, unit amount must be specified) BIC code of instructing party name and BIC code of delivery/receiving agent and BIC code of place of settlement. SWIFT instructions in respect of the transfer of assets have a standard format. However, market practices in some countries require specific inputs in certain input fields. These exceptions are detailed in Annex D. Instructions from counterparties for the release of assets, which are received by the Bank in advance of the settlement date, will be released by the Bank no later than the opening time 4 5 for CCBM operations (i. e. 08:00) on the settlement date, provided that such assets are not required to collateralise outstanding credit operations. If this is the case, the assets will be released as soon as the counterparty has substituted adequate collateral or repaid the relevant operation, whichever is applicable. In the event of settlement problems regarding securities transfers, counterparties will receive a SWIFT Message Type MT548 Settlement Status amp Allegements from the Bank which will provide details of the nature of the settlement problem. The SWIFT MT548 messages will provide counterparties with: a. the TRN of the instruction affected, b. the status of the instruction, and c. the reason for the settlement problem. Upon receipt of an MT548 counterparties may be required to submit a cancel request (e. g. if the original instruction was incorrect). A request for cancellation must be sent to the Bank by close of business on the day an incorrect instruction was sent. In the case of security transfers via the CCBM, if the cancel request is not transmitted it is possible that the security transfer may be delayed as the national central bank to/from which the securities are being delivered/released on the Bank s behalf may not process the correct instruction until the cancel request for the incorrect instruction is received. Manual Instructions In the case of those counterparties who are not members/sub-members of SWIFT the Bank will accept instructions for the delivery/release of collateral by fax. It should be noted, however, that the use of fax instructions will increase the time taken to process the delivery/release of collateral. Accordingly to ensure the successful completion of securities transactions the following deadlines must be adhered to: In the case of Irish Government bonds, paper issued by the NTMA and Euro Market or Global Issues issued into Euroclear Bank SA/NV, the counterparty should instruct the Bank a. by 15:30 of the security it intends to transfer for same day settlement, and b. by 16:30 of the security it intends to transfer for overnight settlement. In the case of securities mobilised via the CCBM, the counterparty should instruct the Bank by 14:00 of the security it intends to transfer for same day settlement with the following exception: the deadline for securities being transferred to/from Banco de Espantildea via 5 6 Clearstream Banking Luxembourg or Euroclear Bank SA/NV for same day settlement is 11:30, while the deadline for overnight settlement is 15:00. These deadlines do not relate to the processing of high volumes of instructions which should be transmitted to the Bank in advance of these times. In addition, it is also advisable to contact the Bank by telephone to confirm receipt of fax instructions (see contact details above). Fax instructions in respect of the delivery of collateral must be in the format set out in Annex B. The same procedures apply to release of collateral as to delivery of the collateral. The format detailed at Annex C should be used in relation to fax instructions for the release of collateral. All instructions to the Bank in respect of the delivery/release of collateral must contain the following information: delivery/settlement date trade date ISIN code (ORN (i. e. credit claim identifier number) in the case of cross border credit claims) debtor identifier number in the case of cross border credit claims denomination of currency safekeeping A/C quantity of securities (if in units, unit amount must be specified) BIC code of instructing party name and BIC code of delivery/receiving agent and BIC code of place of settlement. Instructions in respect of securities transfers have a standard format. However, market practices in some countries require specific inputs in certain input fields. These exceptions are detailed in Annex D. Corporate Actions in respect of securities in a counterparty s collateral pool The policy of the Bank is not to perform any corporate event/action/notification in respect of securities it holds for collateral purposes, which may include: 6 7 a. The provision of information/documentation in relation to exemption from withholding tax b. The Certification of ownership applicable under U. S. law c. The exercise of voting rights or any other corporate action event which would require the completion by the Bank of any documentation. In this regard, counterparties are referred to clauses 8(7), 8(9) and 8(15) of the framework agreement in respect of Eurosystem operations secured over collateral pool assets. In accordance with Article 144 of the MPIPs, counterparties are requested to remove any securities from their collateral pool before the occurrence of a cash flow, including payment of principal or coupons, if such an event would require any action by the Bank. The counterparty should remove the concerned asset from its collateral pool before the record date or the certification date (i. e. whichever date determines the party required to take the action requested) so that any information/documentation/certification which may be requested will be provided by them and where applicable any voting rights will revert to them. In the event that the counterparty fails to remove the asset and it remains in the custody of the Bank on the date which determines who is required to provide the necessary documentation, the Bank will not be responsible for any possible consequences such as nonpayment of interest, blocking of the security, deduction of withholding tax or loss of voting rights. 2. Delivery/release of MBPNs: When a counterparty wishes to mobilise MBPNs, they must instruct the Bank by fax/ (in accordance with the procedures set out in the relevant framework agreement) authorising the Bank to complete an MBPN. An MBPN that has been issued by a counterparty will mature upon the repayment by that counterparty of the proceeds of the relevant operation for which that MBPN was used as collateral. III. Settlement of operations It should be noted that, under no circumstances, will cash be advanced to the counterparty by the Bank under a Eurosystem credit operation prior to there being sufficient collateral either in the counterparty s collateral pool or in the form of an MBPN issued to the Bank to cover the credit operation. 7 8 Substitution of eligible assets for those originally used as collateral for a transaction is permitted at the discretion of the Bank and subject to the terms of the Master Substitution Agreement (a template version of which is published on the Bank s website). The substitute assets must be transferred by the counterparty to the Bank before the original assets will be returned to the counterparty by the Bank. In the event that a counterparty is using an asset that becomes ineligible or may no longer be used due to close links with the issuer/guarantor, the counterparty is obliged to immediately notify the Bank thereof. In addition, the counterparty has to remove the asset at the earliest possible date. When an asset becomes ineligible, the Bank will revalue the asset at zero at the next valuation date. If such a revaluation leads to under-collateralisation, the Bank will make a margin call. Counterparties should be aware that collateral is valued everyday (including Irish bank and public holidays) with the exception of weekends and TARGET2 holidays. Accordingly, as margin calls cannot be predicted in advance it is important that counterparties have staff available to provide additional collateral in the event that one takes place. On the maturity date, the Bank will debit the counterparty s TARGET2-Ireland account and, if applicable, increase the intraday credit line in TARGET2-IRELAND with the maturity proceeds of the relevant operation. For non-target2 participants, the counterparty must have arranged that sufficient funds are in their account with their TARGET2 correspondent so that the Bank can debit their correspondent s account. In the event that a counterparty has a transaction (or more than one transaction) which is maturing and has entered into another transaction (or more than one transaction) with the Bank which has the same settlement date as the maturing transaction(s), the Bank will arrange to settle these transactions on a net basis with a corresponding impact on their intraday credit line in TARGET2-Ireland, if applicable. If the Bank issues a Confirmation of a Relevant Eurosystem Operation by a SWIFT message type MT320, such Confirmation shall be interpreted in accordance with the following: the quotRelated Referencequot specified at F21 is the reference of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation 8 9 the quotValue Datequot specified at F30V is the settlement date of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation the quotCurrency and Principal Amountquot at F32B are the Liquidity Provided Amount of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation and the currency of denomination thereof the quotInterest Amountquot specified at F34E is an indicative amount, only, calculated on the basis that the interest rate applicable to the Relevant Eurosystem Operation is at all times during the term thereof the quotInterest Ratequot specified at F37G. If, at any time during that term, the applicable interest rate differs from the quotInterest Ratequot specified at F37G, the Interest Amount is subject to adjustment accordingly and where the interest rate applicable to the Relevant Eurosystem Operation may change during the term of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation, the quotInterest Ratequot specified at F37G is the rate determined, as of the Trade Date, in accordance with the formula or other means of determining the interest rate applicable to the Relevant Eurosystem Operation (it being acknowledged that interest accrues in respect of that Relevant Eurosystem Operation only with effect from its settlement date). The applicable interest rate at any time during that term shall be calculated in accordance with the terms of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation, and subject to the terms of the Relevant Eurosystem Operation including, without limitation, any thereof that afford to the Counterparty the right to designate an Optional Early Maturity Date, or agree with the Bank a Substitution Early Maturity Date, in respect of all or part of the Liquidity Provided Amount in respect thereof. Terms used in this Section have the meanings given to them in the framework agreement in respect of Eurosystem operations secured over collateral pool assets. 9 10 SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES FOR COUNTERPARTIES IN RESPECT OF FX SWAPS FOR MONETARY POLICY PURPOSES Foreign exchange swaps for monetary purposes may be conducted by the Bank in accordance with the relevant provisions of the MPIPs. These provisions include Article 15, which contains obligations of counterparties in regard to collateralisation and settlement, breach of which is subject to sanction under Articles 154 to 157. On agreement of an FX Swap deal with the Bank, the Counterparty should issue a written confirmation to Foreign Settlements Section of Payments and Securities Settlement Division of the Bank. In respect of liquidity providing swaps, the counterparty should arrange to transfer the agreed foreign currency amount to the Bank s correspondent on the settlement date in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated. Following receipt of this foreign currency amount, the Bank will pay the equivalent euro amount to the counterparty s TARGET2 account or the account of the counterparty s correspondent. On the maturity date, the counterparty should arrange to transfer the euro consideration to the Bank through TARGET2 or via a participant in TARGET2 in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated. Following receipt of this euro amount, the Bank will pay the foreign currency proceeds to the counterparty s correspondent. In respect of liquidity absorbing swaps, the counterparty should arrange to transfer the agreed euro amount to the Bank through TARGET2 or via a participant in TARGET2 on the settlement date in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated. Following receipt of this euro amount, the Bank will pay the foreign currency proceeds to the counterparty s correspondent. On the maturity date, the counterparty should arrange to transfer the foreign currency consideration to the Bank s correspondent in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated. Following receipt of this foreign currency amount, the Bank will pay the equivalent euro amount to the counterparty s TARGET2 account or the account of the counterparty s correspondent. If on any date amounts would otherwise be payable under these terms and conditions in the same currency by each party to the other, then the sums due from one party shall be set off against the sums due to the other and only the net balance shall be payable by the party required to pay the larger amount to the other party and the payment of the net balance shall satisfy and discharge the obligations to make payments of all such amounts. 10 11 SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES FOR COUNTERPARTIES IN RESPECT OF OUTRIGHT TRANSACTIONS Outright transactions may be conducted by the Bank for monetary policy purposes in accordance with the relevant provisions of the MPIPs. These provisions include Article 16, which contains obligations counterparties in regard to settlement for outright purchases and sales, breach of which is subject to sanction under Articles 154 to 157. On arrangement of an outright transaction with the Bank, the counterparty should forward a written confirmation of the transaction to the Payments amp Securities Settlements Division of the Bank. Where securities are being sold to the Bank, the counterparty should arrange to have the agreed securities transferred if possible on a Delivery versus Payment basis into the Bank s account in the relevant Central Securities Depository on the settlement date in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated. If Delivery versus Payment is not possible, the securities concerned must be transferred into the Bank s name prior to release of the euro consideration to the counterparty by the Bank. Where securities are being purchased from the Bank, the counterparty should arrange to transfer the agreed euro consideration to the Bank s account in the relevant Central Securities Depository on the settlement date in accordance with details agreed when the deal was initiated, if possible on a Delivery versus Payment basis. If Delivery versus Payment is not possible, the euro consideration must be paid to the Bank prior to a Free-of-Payment release instruction being issued by the Bank to the appropriate Central Securities Depository in respect of the securities concerned. Where a counterparty only partly satisfies delivery of collateral obligations, the operation will be settled to the extent of that part delivery. 11 12 SETTLEMENT PROCEDURES FOR COUNTERPARTIES IN RESPECT OF EUROSYSTEM USD OPERATIONS After successful participation in a tender operation, the counterparty should ensure that sufficient collateral, taking account of haircuts has been provided to the Bank as detailed above. The counterparty should also confirm the US dollar settlement amount with the Foreign Settlements Section of the Payments amp Securities Settlements Division of the Bank. Counterparty is receiving funds. On the settlement date provided that sufficient collateral is in the counterparty s collateral pool, the Bank will pay the US dollar funds to the counterparty s US correspondent. Counterparty is repaying funds. The counterparty should ensure that the maturity US dollar proceeds are repaid to the Bank s account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York before CET in order to comply with the terms of the operation published on the ECB s website (ecb. europa. int). On receipt of the US dollar maturity proceeds, the Bank will release collateral as applicable. Counterparties are advised that if US dollar funds are repaid after CET, the return of eurodenominated collateral cannot be guaranteed on the same day. If on any date amounts would otherwise be payable under these terms and conditions in the same currency by each party to the other, then the sums due from one party shall be set off against the sums due to the other and only the net balance shall be payable by the party required to pay the larger amount to the other party and the payment of the net balance shall satisfy and discharge the obligations to make payments of all such amounts. 12 13 ANNEX A CCBM market practices In principle, the use of the CCBM does not require counterparties to adopt special procedures beyond arranging the transfer of the securities in a different country. But counterparties should be aware that market practices in other countries may be different because different types of collateralisation techniques (repos, assignments, pledges and floating charges) and different methods of holding collateral (pooled and earmarked collateral systems) are used in the EU. Moreover, securities settlement systems (SSSs) in the EU have different operating procedures that the counterparty must take into account when transferring collateral held in a different country. See below link to the ECB website for an overview of information related to the CCBM in each country. This information is not intended to be exhaustive, and should be read together with the publication CCBM - procedures for Eurosystem counterparties (on the right-hand side of the screen on the below link). 13 14 ANNEX B DELIVERY OF COLLATERAL FROM A COUNTERPARTY TO THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRELAND Name of Counterparty: MESSAGE TYPE: MT 540 RECEIVE FREE SEND TO: TAG FIELD NAME Sequence A: General Information DATA FORMAT/CONTENTS M 16R Start of Block GENL M 20C Sender s Reference SEME/ M 23G Function of Message Subsequence A1: Linkages M 16R Start of Block LINK M 20C Related Reference M 16S End of Block LINK M 16S End of Block GENL Sequence B: Trade Details M 16R Start of Block TRADDET M 98a Delivery Date SETT/ M 98a Trade Date TRAD/ M 35B ISIN Code ISIN Subsequence B1: Financial Instrument Attributes M 16R Start of Block FIA M 11A Currency 14 DENO/ M 16S End of Block FIA M 16S End of Block TRADDET Sequence C: Financial Instrument/Account M 16R Start of Block FIAC M 36B Quantity of Securities SETT//FAMT/ M 97a Safekeeping Account SAFE/ M 16S End of Block FIAC Sequence E: Settlement Details M 16R Start of Block SETDET 15 M 22F Indicator SETR/ Subsequence E1: Settlement Parties M 16R Start of Block SETPRTY M 95P BIC Code of Instructing Party SELL/ M 16S End of Block SETPRTY M 16R Start of Block SETPRTY M 95P/R BIC Code of Delivery Agent DEAG/ M 16S End of Block SETPRTY M 16R Start of Block SETPRTY M 95P BIC Code of Place of Settlement PSET/ M 16S End of Block SETPRTY M 16S End of Block SETDET Authorised Signature. 15 16 ANNEX C RELEASE OF COLLATERAL FROM CENTRAL BANK OF IRELAND TO A COUNTERPARTY Name of Counterparty: MESSAGE TYPE: MT 542 DELIVER FREE SEND TO: TAG FIELD NAME DATA FORMAT/CONTENTS Sequence A: General Information M 16R Start of Block GENL M 20C Sender s Reference SEME/ M 23G Function of Message Subsequence A1: Linkages M 16R Start of Block LINK M 20C Related Reference M 16S End of Block LINK M 16S End of Block GENL Sequence B: Trade Details M 16R Start of Block TRADDET M 98a Delivery Date SETT/ M 98a Trade Date TRAD/ M 35B ISIN Code ISIN Subsequence B1: Financial Instrument Attributes M 16R Start of Block FIA M 11A Currency 16 DENO/ M 16S End of Block FIA M 16S End of Block TRADDET Sequence C: Financial Instrument/Account M 16R Start of Block FIAC M 36B Quantity of Securities SETT//FAMT/ M 97a Safekeeping Account SAFE/ M 16S End of Block FIAC Sequence E: Settlement Details M 16R Start of Block SETDET 17 M 22F Indicator SETR/ Subsequence E1: Settlement Parties M 16R Start of Block SETPRTY M 95P BIC Code of Instructing Party BUYR/ M 16S End of Block SETPRTY M 16R Start of Block SETPRTY M 95P/R BIC Code of Delivery Agent REAG// M 16S End of Block SETPRTY Start of Block SETPRTY M 16R M 95P BIC Code of Place of Settlement PSET/ M 16S End of Block SETPRTY M 16S End of Block SETDET Authorised Signature. 17 18 ANNEX D EXCEPTIONS DUE TO MARKET PRACTICES SWIFT INSTRUCTIONS MT540/MT542 AUSTRIA To settle fixed income securities in the AT market the Common List of Data Elements needs to be used, plus: 1) The client of the delivering or receiving agent is to be specified with their BIC if possible. 2) When Euroclear Bank SA/NV or Clearstream International are involved in the settlement chain, the relevant issuer code should be used in the Repetitive Mandatory Subsequence E 1 - field 95 R, for example: DEAG/CEDE/xxxxx for trades via Clearstream International DEAG/ECLR/xxxxx for trades via Euroclear Bank SA/NV BELGIUM NBB CLEARING The delivering or receiving agent is to be specified with their local clearing code NBBE participant number. EUROCLEAR BANK SA/NV To settle fixed income securities in Euroclear Bank SA/NV the Common List of Data Elements needs to be used, plus: 1) The Delivering agent is to be specified with its Euroclear Bank SA/NV code. The Receiving agent is to be specified with its Clearstream Banking or Euroclear Bank SA/NV code. 2) For internal settlement the place of settlement (PSET) needs to be specified: When instructing Euroclear Bank SA/NV for settlement with other Euroclear Bank SA/NV participant: PSET MGTCBEBEECL (BIC for Euroclear Bank SA/NV). 3) For bridge settlement when instructing Euroclear Bank SA/NV to deliver to Clearstream Banking participant: PSET is CEDELULL (BIC for Clearstream Banking) and Clearstream Banking participant is REAG. 4) The Client of the DEAG/REAG is to be specified with a BIC whenever possible. 18 19 5) When indicating deliver/receiving agents in the Repetitive Mandatory Subsequence E1 - field 95 option R and the relevant issuer code must be used according to the examples below: DEAG/ECLR/XXXXX REAG/CEDE/XXXXX when instructing Euroclear Bank SA/NV to deliver to Cleastream Banking participant 6) Delivering or receiving custodians should be identified with their account number in a field 97A:SAFE//9210. FRANCE 1. Delivering or receiving custodians should be identified with their BIC. The custodians account number in EB or CBL has to be mentioned in a field 97A: SAFE// Custodian account number in CBL or EB. 2. The account number of EB or CBL in Euroclear Bank SA/NV France (EF) should be mentioned in a field 95R: REAG or DEAG/SICV/Account number of EB or CBL in EF. When the Banque de France is acting as CCB, it will not accept instructions with a trade date that is more than 35 business days from the settlement date of collateral. Euroclear Bank SA/NV GERMANY 1) The client of the Delivering or Receiving Agent is to be specified with their BIC. The client account number in Euroclear Bank SA/NV or CBL has to be mentioned in a field 97A:SAFE// client account number in CBL or Euroclear Bank SA/NV. 2) When Euroclear Bank SA/NV or Clearstream Luxembourg are involved in the settlement chain, the issuer code of Clearstream Banking Frankfurt should be used in the Repetitive Mandatory Subsequence E1 - field 95R: according to the examples below: Involvement of Euroclear Bank SA/NV: 95 P: SELL//XXXXXXXX (BIC of counterparty) 97a::SAFE//nnnnn (account no. in Euroclear Bank SA/NV) 19 20 95 R: DEAG/DAKV/7204 (7204 is the account no. of Euroclear Bank SA/NV in Clearstream Banking Frankfurt ) 95 P: PSET//DAKVDEFFDOM Involvement of Clearstream Banking Luxembourg (CBL): 95 P: SELL//XXXXXXXX (BIC of counterparty) 97a::SAFE//nnnnn (account no. in CBL) 95 R: DEAG/DAKV/7201 (7201 is the account no. of CBL in Clearstream Banking Frankfurt) 95 P: PSET//DAKVDEFFDOM Both Euroclear Bank SA/NV and Clearstream Luxembourg are direct participants in Clearstream Banking Frankfurt. They act as REAG/DEAG with their respective Clearstream Banking Frankfurt account number. Euroclear Bank SA/NV Bank: 7204 Clearstream Banking Luxembourg: 7201 Involvement of Clearstream Banking Frankfurt (CBF): 95 P: SELL//XXXXXXXX (BIC of counterparty) 95 R: DEAG/DAKV/nnnn (account no. in CBF) 95 P: PSET//DAKVDEFFDOM LUXEMBOURG CLEARSTREAM BANKING To settle fixed income securities in Clearstream Banking the Common List of Data Elements needs to be used, plus: 1. The Delivering agent is to be specified with its Clearstream Banking code. The Receiving agent is to be specified with its Clearstream Banking or Euroclear Bank SA/NV code. 2. For internal settlement the place of settlement (PSET) needs to be specified: When instructing Clearstream Banking for settlement with other Clearstream Banking participant: PSET CEDELULL (BIC for Clearstream Banking Luxembourg). 20 21 3. For bridge settlement when instructing Clearstream Banking to deliver to Euroclear Bank SA/NV participant: PSET is MGTCBEBEECL (BIC for Euroclear Bank SA/NV) and Euroclear Bank SA/NV participant is REAG. 4. The Client of the DEAG/REAG is to be specified with a BIC whenever possible. 5. When indicating deliver/receiving agents in the Repetitive Mandatory Subsequence E1 - field 95 option R and the relevant issuer code must be used: DEAG/CEDE/XXXXX for trades in Clearstream Luxembourg. 6. Delivering or receiving custodians should be identified with their account number in a field 97A:SAFE//9XXX. LUXCSD The Delivering or Receiving agent is to be specified with its Clearstream Banking code: DEAG/CEDE/XXXXX VP LUXEMBOURG The Delivering or Receiving agent is to be specified with its VP participant ID: DEAG/VPDK/XXXXX 5 THE NETHERLANDS To settle in the NL market the Common List of Data Elements needs to be used, plus: 1. The presence of the full settlement chain is highly recommended. A minimum of two levels is required. 2. The Dutch CSD (Euroclear Bank SA/NV NL) uses the account number of the Client of the Receiving Agent as matching criterion to avoid cross matching. The account number must be provided without leading zeroes and without any punctuation characters. Euroclear Bank SA/NV NL uses the first 16 characters of the account as a mandatory matching criterion to avoid cross matching. As this is the safekeeping account with the Receiving Agent this is always known at the receiving end. 3. Receiving / Delivering Agent (REAG/DEAG) 5 VP codes in five positions (Participants IDs) are published on under CSD Services/Clearing and Settlement/Securities dealers. 21 22 4. The Receiving or Delivering Agent is the Euroclear Bank SA/NV Group Single Platform (EGSP) code (95R::REAG or DEAG/EGSP/12n). The EGSP code format has 12 numeric characters. Leading zeros are required to make up the 12 numeric characters. DNB will add leading zero s to ENL instructions in case HCB instructions are short of 12 numeric DEAG/REAG numbers. ICSDs, Euroclear Bank SA/NV Bank Brussels and Clearstream Bank Luxembourg are direct participants in Euroclear Bank SA/NV Nederland. They act as REAG/DEAG with their respective Euroclear Bank SA/NV Nederland participant codes. Euroclear Bank SA/NV Bank: Clearstream Bank: The account number of the Euroclear Bank SA/NV Bank or Clearstream Bank participant should be mentioned in the account number with SELL/BUYR Example: Settlement chain for a delivery in favour of a Euroclear Bank SA/NV Bank account :16R:SETPRTY :95P::BUYR//BIC :97A::SAFE//94960 :16S:SETPRTY :16R:SETPRTY :95R::REAG/EGSP/ :16S:SETPRTY :16R:SETPRTY :95P::PSET//NECINL2A :16S:SETPRTY 22 23 GREECE 1. The Delivering or Receiving agent must be a Greek Financial Institution - participant of the Greek SSS (BOGS) - identified by their BIC. 2. When Euroclear Bank SA/NV or Clearstream International are involved in the settlement chain, one more repetition of Subsequence E1 are required, mentioning the data source scheme and the account of the instructing party. Example. 95R::DECU/ECLR/12345 (or RECU/ECLR/12345) SPAIN To settle fixed income securities in the Spanish market the Common List of Data Elements needs to be used, plus: 1. The Delivering or Receiving agent is to be specified with its BIC 2. When Clearstream Frankfurt is involved: The client of the delivering or receiving agent is to be specified with their BIC. The client account number in Clearstream Frankfurt has to be mentioned in a field 97A:SAFE// client account number in that CSD, according to the following example: 95 P: BUYR//XXXXXXXX (BIC of counterparty) 97A: SAFE//nnnnnnnn (account no. of counterparty in Clearstream Banking Frankfurt) 95 P: REAG//DAKVDEFF 95 P: PSET//IBRCESMM Euroclear Bank SA/NV SLOVAKIA Slovak CSD is using the Delivering or Receiving agent as a matching criterion. Specifics for pledges: For the pledge technique each NCB is registered in CDCP as pledgee and is assigned its own identification and registration code. Information about registration and the identification code is available for members of CDCP acting as delivery agents on It is not necessary to open an account for an NCB, as securities are blocked on the account of the counterparty (account number 23 24 starts with 90. or 97..) that must be opened in CDCP registration. Each counterparty is allowed to use only one pledge number for the total amount of collateral pledged in favour of the HCB. SLOVENIA 1) Specificities for different collateralisation techniques PLEDGE For the pledge collateralisation technique, each NCB is registered in KDD as pledgee and is assigned its own identification code (so-called KID code, or KDD ID). When Banka Slovenija is in CCB role, it provides HCB with this KID code (upon HCB request). Before the first mobilization takes place, the HCB has to have the KID code. REPO Banka Slovenija, when requested by the HCB, opens a securities account in KDD in the name of the HCB (so-called client account6), where assets (delivered by HCBs counterparties) are held. Before the first mobilization takes place, the HCB has to have the account opened in KDD. 2) Banka Slovenije will use the client s account number with the Delivering or Receiving agent as a matching criterion. The delivering or receiving agent is to be specified with its KDD member code, which should be followed by the client s account number with the delivering or receiving agent. Both codes should be separated by X. Example of delivery to the KDD: 95P: SELL//XXXXXXXX (BIC of the counterparty) 95R: DEAG/KDDS/15c1a9n 95P: PSET//KDDSSI22 (BIC of the place of settlement) Where 15c represents a maximum 15-character member code of the delivering or receiving agent and 9n is a maximum 9-digit client account number with the delivering or receiving agent. Due to the clear separation of both codes, it is always necessary to include the alphabetical capital letter X (as 1a). For all Cross-Border Credit Claims 6 SI is a direct holding country, therefore cannot consolidate assets on one omnibus account. 24 25 95 P: SELL//COUNTERPARTY BIC 95 P: DEAG//COUNTERPARTY BIC 95 P: PSET//BIC CODE OF THE CCB The BIC code of the counterparty is used for both SELL and DEAG in SWIFT MT540/542 for the cross-border mobilisation of credit claims. The place of settlement is the BIC of the correspondent central bank. 25Am having access to large quantity of AGO, BLCO, FLPO etc whether TTO, or any other procedure. if interested, call 08025316641,08072790235. My genuine bony light crude oil is stil available. As a facilitator who is most interested in d buyers procedure, the documents 4 Proof Of Product (POP) is stil at my disposal. I min wot am doin so if u re nt a serious/direct buyer, plz dnt call nor mail me. My seller only nids a one on one direct transaction wit d buyer. Call me on d numbas below or mail me on greatambassadorstanleygmail. The numbas 2 call re 2347033289622 or 2348174068271 i have a serious buyer for Nigerian light crude, buyer is only willing to open communication with prospective sellers if they have an allocation confirmable verifiable on shell screen UK. Reach me on 08124155215 my buyer need 2mll brrl of blco ttto ready to give mt799 and another buyer need lpfo 100000 mtrctn let see your procedures my email lawalaadoyalogmail lawaladoyaloyahoo no 08093627676 yalo: my buyer need 2mll brrl of blco ttto ready to give mt799 and another buyer need lpfo 100000 mtrctn let see your procedures my email lawalaadoyalogmail lawaladoyaloyahoo no 08093627676 call me on 07033801718, 08054527192 I HAVE a link for u I represent a serious buyer in China, with permission from Chinese government to initially purchase 2 million barrels of crude oil asap. If this deal goes through, more to come. email me at remigus1yahoo or call me at 2147704919. I live in US. Please serious Suppliers. Hi I sent u a mail check ur box and get back to me. Tanks, veronica magfol: My name is folusho and i broker Crude Oil deals. i have reputable buyers. I only want a seller that can take product to international waters and provide my buyers with a valid Q88 AND BILL OF LADEN for confirmation of product. upon confirmation, buyers inspectors goes on board for Q amp Q and MT103 is released. My buyers are only interested on TTO for now as their vessels are not available in africa the moment. if u are genuine pls contact me on 08027901570 or oluwasegunobayahoo. Their need is very urgent. tanx Hi everyone, im new on this forum. I have a genuine seller of BLCO. If your are a serious buyer contact me on 08036622311, goddyenymail. Pls we dont need resellers, end users mandates only. Thanks. thpktm: OK just for serious sellers let me know what you have and i will see yougt I have a genuine seller now. This is my email-goddydenymail. 08036622311. Some people are talking too much on this forum. Also, three new cargos in distress are in Chinas port. Three Nigerian vessels detained by Chinas Custom House, one vessel in Qingdao Port, one vessel in Ningbo Port, and one in Rizhao Port. Any information as who is the sellerMy buyers are ready to purchase these if we can have the seller provides us the necessary requirement to take ownership of the three cargos. Crude oil amount is 50tons. Please let us move quickly. Thanks. You can reach me at remigus1yahoo. Remy43 Dear Prospective Viewers, my name is Emeka Oil I represent Captital City Oil Group as their Mandate. I will like to bring to your notice that news has reach us that a lot of people claiming to be Agents and Facilitators have end up wasting a lot of serious buyers time and money. We can only gurantee a serious buyer not to raise any instrument provided that at the end of the day after due inspection on the product he will not disappoint. If you are that serious buyer or seller here is what we have have in stock for you and this post and the product will be available till the day Nigeria is out of crude oil which is impossible. The listed are available on first come first serve basis and all the back up papers/documents are ready for loading/boarding Products: PMS, DPK, LPFO, BLCO. D2. JP54. MAZUT. BITUMEN. AGO. RLCO. LNG. SLCO. LPG. Over 50Million Barrels of BLCO and LPFO while the rest is below 50Million BBLS. Our price are so cheap compare to other seller and we conduct our inspection with a naval chopper to the vessels for QNQ. Our procedure is simple PROCEDURES: 1. Seller amp Buyer Sign SPA with full Banking Details amp lodge with their respective Banks. 2. Buyer returns SPA with ATB Format, Supercargo, Inspector Details amp Passport Copies. 3. Seller issues Marine/Corporate/Reassigned ATB amp NAVAL Clearance to Buyer Inspectors and Supercargo to board the Loaded Vessel on Sellers expense within Nigeria Waters. 4. Buyers Supercargo amp Inspectors board for Physical Confirmation and irrevocable SBLC/BG is placed for the total cargo. Sample taken for QampQ. QampQ result copied to Buyer/Seller amp Supercargo remaining on board. 5. Buyer Re-charters Vessel from Vessel Handler/Owner 6. Seller hand over Original Documents to the Buyer in Buyers Name. 7. Buyer SWIFTS Payment to Seller amp all Nominated Accounts in the SPA on presentation of Invoice amp Documents. 8. Vessel sails to Buyers Port Destination. NB. We r buying from already ur loaded vessel That means no logistics charges is required from us. But we could give an LC Emeka Oil E-mail:ccpwss-id. org 23408097473080 and Note that our products on Nigeria Water and we also export to USA EUROPE ASIA and AFRICA countries. (C)2013 swiftcontainers: Dear Prospective Viewers, my name is Emeka Oil I represent Captital City Oil Group as their Mandate. I will like to bring to your notice that news has reach us that a lot of people claiming to be Agents and Facilitators have end up wasting a lot of serious buyers time and money. We can only gurantee a serious buyer not to raise any instrument provided that at the end of the day after due inspection on the product he will not disappoint. If you are that serious buyer or seller here is what we have have in stock for you and this post and the product will be available till the day Nigeria is out of crude oil which is impossible. The listed are available on first come first serve basis and all the back up papers/documents are ready for loading/boarding Products: PMS, DPK, LPFO, BLCO. D2. JP54. MAZUT. BITUMEN. AGO. RLCO. LNG. SLCO. LPG. Over 50Million Barrels of BLCO and LPFO while the rest is below 50Million BBLS. Our price are so cheap compare to other seller and we conduct our inspection with a naval chopper to the vessels for QNQ. Our procedure is simple PROCEDURES: 1. Seller amp Buyer Sign SPA with full Banking Details amp lodge with their respective Banks. 2. Buyer returns SPA with ATB Format, Supercargo, Inspector Details amp Passport Copies. 3. Seller issues Marine/Corporate/Reassigned ATB amp NAVAL Clearance to Buyer Inspectors and Supercargo to board the Loaded Vessel on Sellers expense within Nigeria Waters. 4. Buyers Supercargo amp Inspectors board for Physical Confirmation and irrevocable SBLC/BG is placed for the total cargo. Sample taken for QampQ. QampQ result copied to Buyer/Seller amp Supercargo remaining on board. 5. Buyer Re-charters Vessel from Vessel Handler/Owner 6. Seller hand over Original Documents to the Buyer in Buyers Name. 7. Buyer SWIFTS Payment to Seller amp all Nominated Accounts in the SPA on presentation of Invoice amp Documents. 8. Vessel sails to Buyers Port Destination. NB. We r buying from already ur loaded vessel That means no logistics charges is required from us. But we could give an LC Emeka Oil E-mail:ccpwss-id. org 23408097473080 and Note that our products on Nigeria Water and we also export to USA EUROPE ASIA and AFRICA countries. (C)2013 Festac Town Alingo Crude Oil Seller Mandate. State Capital City Oil Group date of registration with NNPC, please just the date in their registration certificate. This is just what I need. Festactown alingo dancer. Maybe your posting from Obigbo or Ogbunabali dreaming Hello oil business is not an easy click but according to an adage qoute me I say one does have who taste sweet and taste the bitter. but if u really sure of a good buyer of crude oil I have a contact in abuja reach me on 08025468881, if u are serious pls if you have a serious in, i mean a serious one then contact me on 07032054765,or whatsapp with same number and we are good to go no payment of a kobo until delivery. with genuie and guarantee L/C(letter of credit),with CIF. we are too good to go

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